Currently about the competition

06. 05. 2024

The 75th edition of the Prague Spring Competition in the French horn category has just begun

Today, on the 6th May, we were happy to welcome in Prague 48 contestants of the FRENCH HORN category, taking part in the 75th International Music Competition Prague Spring. Over...
03. 05. 2024

New works commissioned by the Prague Spring Competition written by Miroslav Srnka and Kryštof Marek

It is now a tradition that the Prague Spring commissions two new works from Czech composers for each edition of the competition. And that goes for this year as well....
02. 05. 2024

New for this year’s competition – the Audience Prize

We’ve introduced something new for this year’s Prague Spring competition, namely the Audience Prize, the recipient of which will be chosen by visitors who attend the final round concerts. The...
23. 04. 2024

The competition is starting soon – who was accepted?

The preliminary rounds for this year’s Prague Spring International Music Competition were held in Prague in late December and early January. This year’s event attracted a record number of entrants....
13. 12. 2023

The calm before the storm. Prague Spring International Music Competition reports record number of entries.

PRESS RELEASE Every year it repeats itself: until the last day before the deadline for applications for the Prague Spring music competition, it is the calm before the storm. “You...
15. 05. 2023

The winners of the trombone category announced

The trombone Competition reached its end today with the finals taking place in Smetana Hall at The Municipal House in Prague. The three musicians have spent the whole Sunday May...
14. 05. 2023

We know the winners!

Today´s evening was in the spirit of the VIOLA Finals. We welcomed the finalists in the Dvořák hall of the Prague Rudolfinum. The contestants were practicing their performances for the...
11. 05. 2023

We know the Finalists in TROMBON!

We are glad to announce that the jury has selected the names of the finalists of the TROMBONE category!ROUND II was finished by 6 PM today. In the Majakovskij Hall,...
10. 05. 2023

Violists will share their knowledge during Masterclass

The jurors decided to give the opportunity to the participatns of ROUND II who didn’t get into the FINALS to participate in a Masterclass. The programme will take place in...
10. 05. 2023

Violisté předají své zkušenosti během Masterclass

Porotci se rozhodli společně uspořádat Masterclass pro účastníky II. kola, kteří se neprobojovali do finále. Program se odehraje v Orchestrálním sále Lichtenštejnského paláce na Malé straně a výuka bude probíhat...