All about tickets

Ticket Watch

A concert you like is sold out? No problem, you can use the “watchdog” feature. How does it work?

Our website has a “Ticket watch” function set up for selected concerts that are sold out, yet tickets for these events may become available for purchase at a later date. After registering, users will have the option of joining the waiting list for newly available tickets.

If seats have become available for purchase which correspond to the customer’s requirements (number of seats, category), an automatic reservation will be created for the customer with a time limit (usually 48 hours), about which he/she will be informed via email. If the customer does not purchase the ticket(s) within this time limit, the reservation will be cancelled and the tickets offered to the next in line.

While setting up “Ticket watch”, customers may specify which seats they would like. They may select the number of tickets, the ticket category; if applicable, they may specify the priority of the given category, and whether the seats are to be next to one another.