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Small Country – Great Musicians Forum

Czech composers and instrumentalists have made their mark in the world history of music many times. How is it today? And how does Czech society feel about one of its best exports? In addition to the concerts, the Year of Czech Music will also be dedicated to a panel discussion with the participation of representatives of the state, economists, philosophers, statisticians and patrons who will discuss the phenomenon of the Czech Republic as a superpower of classical music.


At the Prague Spring Festival, it is not only composers from ancient chapters of music history who are remembered. The festival is proud of contemporary Czech composers, whose names are perhaps better known abroad than in this country (as was the case with now-famous names in earlier times). Furthermore, Prague Spring builds on the names of top Czech performers who spread the good name of the Czech Republic abroad. Therefore, the main speaker of the conference will be the conductor Jakub Hrůša, who is the ambassador of the Year of Czech Music at Prague Spring. The conference will be moderated by Saša Michailidis.

29 5 2024
Wednesday 10.00
Expected end of the event 12.00