Pocta fortepianu III.
Leopold Koželuh:
Duncan Gray came here to woo /Poštolka XXII:1/48/
O I hae lost my silken snood /Poštolka XXII:1/41/
O whistle and I´Il come to you my lad /Poštolka XXII:1/94/
The gloomy night is gathering fast /Poštolka XXII:1/85/
Ye banks and braes o´ bonnie Doon /Poštolka XXII:1/83/
Awa´ wi´ your witchcraft /Poštolka XXII:1/100/
And O! for ane and twenty, Tam /Poštolka XXII:1/59/
Velká skotská sonáta pro fortepiano s doprovodem flétny a violoncella /Poštolka IX:D 1/
James Oswald:
Blink over the burn sweet Betty
Green grows the rasses
O as I was kissd th´ streen
The braes of Balandine
Lovely Nancy
Sour plums – Gig
Joseph Haydn: Klavírní trio D dur pro flétnu, violoncello a klavír, Hob XV:16
The white Cockade, Hob XXXIa:22
Jon Anderson my Jo, Hob XXXIa:2
My mother bids me bind my hair, Hob XXVIa:27
The Sailor´s song, Hob XXXIa:2
What can a young Lassie do with an old man, Hob XXIa:134
Classical Ensemble
Mhairi Lawson – soprán
Nancy Hadden – flétna
Simon Nicholls – fortepiano
Richard Tunicliffe – violoncello